Software Dettagli

Atmosphere Risk Analysis Dust (may 2024) WebMaster 01-06-2024 15:16

Atmosphere Risk Analysis Dust is a unique and comprehensive software that helps the technician perform both classification and risk analysis in places with explosion hazard due to the presence of combustible dust (cloud and/or layer). It issues the explosion protection document (in Microsoft Word).

Last Update: May 2024

An algorithm has been defined that takes into account all the problems encountered so far in the classification and analysis of explosion hazard for places (open/enclosed) where the presence of combustible dust is detected. The software complies with the following standards and guides:

European standard CEI EN 60079-10-2:2016 (CEI 31-88) and according to CEI 31-56 guidance.

It is an indispensable tool to easily and effectively meet the requirements of Legislative Decree 81 of 2008 Chapter XI. The report produced by the software is also a significant supplement to the document on explosion protection (Art. 28 of Legislative Decree 81/2008).

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